My name is Rebecca and I am an Intuitive Healer & Medium, Reiki Master, Certified Sound-Healing Practitioner, Angelic Healing & Light Language Channel & Spiritual Mentor.
Compassion, empathy and integrity are the pillars of the work I do. Helping people fills my heart with joy, and I'm so truly blessed to be able to do what I love.
If my energy resonates with you, and you are ready to feel better physically, mentally and emotionally, while also expanding your consciousness, it will be an honor to assist you on your journey.
~ Testimonials ~
a little about my spiritual journey
When I was two years old, my mom took me on a trip to Texas. Although I have no memory of the trip, when recounting the story as I got older, my mother told me that she had been extremely nervous on the plane and that without prompting, I had turned to her and said, "Don't worry, Mommy, the angels are right here with us." I suppose to my parents, that was their first indicator that I was able to perceive energies from other realms. Around age 7 or 8, I started to understand that not everyone around me was experiencing what I was. Spirits would regularly show up in my room (which was scary to me at the time). I remember hiding under the covers because I didn't fully understand why they were there. Yet even at this young age, I still felt deeply compelled to tell these spirits to "go to the light," even though I didn't really understand what that meant.
It took me years to realize that it was my spirit guides who had shown me what to say and that those particular spirits were earthbound spirits who were confused about their passing and didn't fully understand what had happened to them. The light leading to the Great Beyond and their loved ones in spirit were there waiting for them, but they weren't moving toward them because of that confusion.
As I got older, I would gently explain to these spirits that they were no longer in their physical bodies and tell them to go toward the light, and they would almost always go. I could always tell when they had gone and were at peace because the energy of the room would shift, and I could take a deep breath again.
I continued to have many experiences with spirits throughout high school, college, and beyond, but in addition to that, I began to understand that I was psychic and an empath. I realized that these were the reasons I had always seemed to know things - not just about spirits, but about the people around me. I could meet someone new and feel their emotions, which didn't always match what they were externally showing. If I would look into someone's eyes or take a moment to focus on their energy, I would sometimes get flashes of images from events in their lives connected to the undercurrent of emotions they were having. There have been times when what I saw and felt was so powerful that it would nearly bring me to tears!
I didn’t share my experiences with many people, but when I opened up to my dad about it, he told me that ever since I could talk, I was always talking to "someone." This actually made me feel better about the experiences I had been having, because it made me realize that perhaps my ability to connect with the spirit realms was something I was born with. In my mind it reframed how I viewed my experiences with spirit. Maybe so much of what had been confusing and scary was leading me to a higher calling? Maybe I wasn’t weird or crazy…maybe this was a gift I was blessed with to help others? But it wasn't until around 2017, while doing healing energy work on people, that everything shifted in the most amazing way.
During these healing sessions, my clients' loved ones in spirit, their spirit guides, and even angels started coming through wanting to connect with them. I remember hesitantly asking if they were open to hearing the messages I was receiving, and everyone always graciously (and often enthusiastically) said, "Yes!"
At first, I was nervous! What if I get the messages wrong? What if they are disappointed? What if I'm just making it all up in my head? But - the messages, details, and guidance that came through were so unique and specific and were so helpful in the healing process for people, that I started to understand that embracing these gifts fully was really what God and Spirit was asking me to do.
As I continued helping more and more people, I had my epiphany moment: This is why I had all those experiences growing up. All of it was leading me toward fulfilling one of my soul purposes in this lifetime; to be a bridge between realms in order to assist people along their healing journeys. All of my experiences, including the traumas of losing my oldest brother and mother in my youth and many loved ones since then, were all part of my path toward being of service in this way.
With all of that said, what it comes down to is that I believe it is a privilege to participate in the sacredness of someone's healing journey, and I am deeply grateful to be able to do what I do. I'd like to share my own personal prayerful intention that I ask before each appointment. With deepest sincerity I ask, "God, please use me as an instrument of your Divine Love and Light. Please work with me and through me to bring the healing, guidance, and wisdom needed for this person's highest path. Thank you."
I am always learning more ways to hone my psychic mediumship skills and I have had the privilege of taking several classes and workshops from some amazing psychic mediums, including Laura Lynn Jackson and internationally renowned psychic medium, Lisa Williams.